Sam Altman’s back at OpenAI Is Microsoft the winner
Image: Reuters

Last week, CEO Sam Altman was sacked, leading to a series of leadership changes. Altman has been reinstated as CEO, replacing Emmett Shear, who took over on Sunday. Altman and co-founder Greg Brockman were set to join Microsoft, a major investor in OpenAI. Microsoft, with a 49% stake in OpenAI, played a significant role in the leadership dynamics. Many OpenAI staff considered moving to Microsoft in solidarity with Altman.

Microsoft, having invested $13 billion in OpenAI, was concerned about Altman’s removal. Rather than creating a new AI lab, Microsoft preferred OpenAI to continue under investor control. The events unfolded rapidly with Altman’s reinstatement happening just five days after his removal. Two interim CEOs served in the brief period between Altman’s departure and return.

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OpenAI seemingly had little choice but to bring Altman back, especially when Microsoft signaled its willingness to match pay packets. The week’s events highlight Altman’s significant influence in the AI sphere. Microsoft’s preference for OpenAI to function as before, under investor control, serves both parties’ interests. The reorganization includes a new board to assist Altman in leading OpenAI.

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